MCV TV is a new broadcast streaming television channel with Australian-only content. As a not-for-profit organisation, we produce quality broadcast television shows encapsulating educational, multicultural and uplifting content. We also offer a specialised services division for all businesses, governments and charities.
With a series of programs that reflect a wide range of genres, we fill the gap in broadcast television by streaming Australia’s first channel with Australian-only programs. We are Australia’s first channel to translate every program into 30 different languages and subtitle every episode.
Our programs cater to be inclusive of different demographics, such as English as Second Language (ESL) users (through closed captions with digital TV), Australian Sign Language (ASL) and simplified language provisions.
We customise and produced broadcast quality content for small businesses, government departments, charities and corporate organisations by providing access to channel broadcasting services.
We also provide appropriate training in television production for individuals and groups and aim to enable and encourage the community to participate in the channel’s operations. We are keen to partner with other relevant groups to pursue these aims and objectives and welcome your contribution, support and feedback.
MCV TV (My Community Voice Television) is a new broadcast streaming television channel with Australian-only content.
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